Quick Install Using the CLI

Quickly install Modela.ai using the CLI

Verify Your Kubernetes Installation

Modela.ai run as a set of Kubernetes pods. To use Modela you have to install Kubernetes and the Kubectl tool.
Once you have installed Kubernetes, you can validate your setup by running:

kubectl version --short

You should expect to see Client Version and Server Version as outputs.

Install the Modela CLI

The Modela CLI allows you to automatically install Modela and its dependancies, as well as interface with your deployment of Modela. Install the modela command line tool:

curl -sL https://metaprov.github.io/install | sh

Once the installation is complete, you will be prompted to add modela to your path.
Verify that your installation of the CLI is correct by running:

modela version

You should see a result like this:

build date 202X-XX-XXTXX:XX:XXZ
git commit dd936d0d790c63f5921a6d58650bdbf9dd030d11

Install Modela

After verifying that you have a functional Kubernetes cluster and the CLI installed, you can initiate the installation process. The installation will apply the Modela Helm Chart and install and initialize each component of the system, which includes the control plane, data plane, frontend, PostgreSQL, and Minio (local storage)

modela system install

Wait for the installation to complete. This process may take about five to ten minutes. Once the installation is complete, you can verify that your installation is correct:

modela system verify

Start the Dashboard

You can connect to the Modela dashboard right away after installing. Simply run:

modela system dashboard

The default password is admin/admin.

Where should I go next?

Congratulations! Your Kubernetes cluster is now equipped with a powerful automatic machine learning platform.